Balm, herb you know better

balm3Melissa officinalis. (Family: Lamiaceae)

This herb is so well known to be an inhabitant almost in every garden, that I shall not need to write any description thereof, although its virtues, which are many, may not be omitted.

Government and virtues.

It is an herb of Jupiter, and under Cancer, and strengthens nature much in all its actions. Let a syrup made with the juice of it and sugar (as you shall be taught at the latter end of this book) he kept in every gentlewoman’s house to relieve the weak stomachs and Sick bodies of their poor sickly neighbours; as also the herb kept dry in the house, that so with other convenient simples, you may make it into an balm2electuary with honey, according as the disease is you shall be taught at the latter end of my hook. The Arabian physicians have extolled the virtues thereof to the skies: although the Greeks thought it not worth mentioning. Seraphio says, it causes the mind and heart to become merry, and revives the heart, faintings and swoonings, especially of such who are overtaken in sleep, and drives away all troublesome cares and thoughts out of the mind, arising from melancholy or black choler; which Avicen also confirms. It is very good to help digestion, and open obstructions of the brain, and hath so much purging quality in it (saith Avicen) as to expel those melancholy vapours from the spirits balm1and blood which are in the heart and arteries, although it cannot do so in other parts of the body. Dioscorides says, That the leaves steeped in wine and the wine drank, and the ‘leaves externally applied, is a remedy against the stings of a scorpion, and the bitings of mad dogs; and commends the decoction thereof for women to bathe or sit in to procure their courses; it is good to wash aching teeth therewith, and profitable for those that have the bloody-flux. The leaves also, with a little nitre taken in drink, are good against the surfeit of mushrooms, helps the griping pains of the belly; and being made into a electuary, it is good for them that cannot fetch their breath: Used with stilt, it takes away wens, kernels, or hard swellings in the flesh or throat; it cleanses foul sores, and eases pains of the gout. It is good for the liver and spleen. A tansy or candle made with eggs, and juice thereof while it it is young, putting to it some sugar and rosewater, is good for a woman in child-bed, when the after-birth is not toroughly voided, and for their faintings upon or in their sore travail. The herb bruised and boiled in a little wine and oil, and laid warm on a boil, will ripen it, and break it.

CulpeperNicholas Culpeper

Bitter-Sweet, for help well being

Bittersweet_Nightshade2Solanum dulcamara. (Family Solanaceae)

CONSIDERING divers shires in this nation give divers names to one and the same herb, and that the common name which it bears in one county, is not known in another; I shall take the pains to set down all the names that I know of each herb: pardon me for setting that name first, which is most common to myself. Besides Amara Dulcis, some call it Mortal, others Bitter-sweet; some Woody Night~shade, and others Felon-wort.


It grows up with woody stalks even to a man’s height, and sometimes higher. The leaves fall off at the approach of winter, and spring out of the same stalk at spring-time: the branch is compassed about with a whitish bark, and has a pith in the middle of it: the main branch branches itself into many small ones with claspers, laying hold on what is next to them, as vines dc: it bears many leaves, they grow in no order at all, at least in no regular order: the leaves are longish, though somewhat broad, and pointed at the ends: many of them have two little leaves growing at the end of their foot stalk; some have but one, and some none. The leaves are of a pale green colour; the flowers are of a purple colour, or of a perfect blue, like to violets, and they stand many of them together in knots: the berries are green at first, but when they are ripe they are very red; if you taste them, you shall find them just as the crabs which we in Sussex call Bitter-sweet, viz. sweet at first and bitter afterwards.


They grow commonly almost throughout England, especially in moist and shady places.

Time] The leaves shoot out about the latter end of March, if the temperature of the air be ordinary ; it flowers in July, and the seeds are ripe soon after, usually in the next month.

Govermneut and virtues.

It is under the planet Mercury, and a notable herb of his also, if it be rightly gathered under his influence. It is excellently good to remove witchcraft both in men and beasts, as also all sudden diseases whatsoever. Being tied round about the neck, is one of the most admirable remedies for the vertigo or dizziness in the head; and that is the reason (as Tragus saith) the people in Germany commonly hang it about their cattle’s necks when they fear any such evil hath betided them: Country people commonly take the berries of it, and having bruised them, apply them to felons, and thereby soon rid their fingers of such troublesome guests.

Bittersweet_Nightshade_192We have now showed you the external use of the herb; we shall speak a word or two of  the internal, and so conclude. Take notice, it is a Mercurial herb, and therefore of very subtile parts, as indeed all Mercurial plants are ; therefore take a pound of the wood and leaves together, bruise the wood (which you may easily do, for it is not so hard as oak) then put it in a pot, and put to it three pints or white wine, put on the pot-lid and shut it close; and let infuse hot over a gentle fire twelve hours, then strain it out, so have you a

most excellent drink to open obstructions of the liver and spleen, to help difficulty of breath, bruises and falls, and congealed blood in any part of the body, it help the yellow jaundice, the dropsy, and black jaundice, and to Cleanse women newly brought to bed. You may drink a quarter of a pint of the infusion every morning. It purges the body very gently, and not churlishly as some hold. And when you find good by this, remelnber me.

‘They that think the use of these medicines is too brief, it is only for the cheapness of the book; let them read those books of mine, of the last edition, viz. Reverius, Vesliugus, , Riolanus, Johnson, Sennertus, and Phsysic the Poor.

CulpeperNicholas Culpeper

Grud, gas why- Biodigester is an answer

Socrates said: “


energy, or soul is separate from matter, and that the universe is made of energy – which was there before mankind and mater like the earth came along.


Einstein said. “Everything is a energy. ”

Quantum physics says when you go deeper to the atom, you are going to find only waves of electric energy, nothing else.

Bioenergy has been here ever since life was created, is here in present, and it will be here for whatever mankind is going to do with it. Only one thing is good to know how to get advantage of BIOENERGY.

Fossil fuel is running out of battery, nuclear power is threaten us very badly see Chernobyl, Fukushima. Gold is pushing prices up to the sky. Food industry, manufacturing food which is not worthy eat. and add, add, add…

Check this out around. Biodiversity of forest, rain forest. Until mankind did not touch it, we have time to explore those ecosystems by our own eyes, and to learn how we can make symbiosis with nature, before we ruin it all out.

Biodigestor-esquemaOne of many sources of Bioenergy is bio digester. This sofisticated thing is really eating our waste and producing methane. Our society, and our life style  are producing so much waste, and waste management it just covering it with soil and that’s it. We waste too much energy, and that energy could be renewable almost on 95%. Are we smart or stupid I would say second is right answer.

project_imageBiogas Technology

Biomethane (biogas) is an alternative and renewable energy source produced through the anaerobic (oxygen free) digestion of organic matter whereby the organic matter is converted into a combustible biogas rich in methane (CH4) and a liquid effluent. In general, biogas consists of 55 percent to 80 percent methane and 20 percent to 45 percent carbon dioxide (CO2). However, depending on the source of the organic matter and the management of the anaerobic digestion process, small amounts of other gases such as ammonia (NH3), c8e98b81c2ba0795bb86ac223c3b00d3hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and water vapor (H2O) may be present. It is the methane component of the biogas that will burn or produce energy. The gas can be used to generate heat or electricity or both. It can be burned in a conventional gas boiler to produce heat for nearby buildings or to heat the digester, or used in a gas engine to produce electricity. As the organic material (feedstock) is added to the system, the digested effluent is pumped from the digester. The effluent can be stored in a tank and later applied to the land at an appropriate time as a fertilizer without further treatment.  The solids can be composted prior to sale for use as a compost or animal bedding. The liquid still contains nutrient that can be sold or used on the farm as a liquid fertilizer as part of a crop nutrient management plan. Basic material flow in an anaerobic digestion system.
AD_Plant_mediumSources of organic matter that have been used to produce biogas include animal manure, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste, food-processing wastes, and industrial wastes.
A typical biogas system consists of manure collection, anaerobic digestion, storage for digester effluent, and gas handling and gas use equipment.
Anaerobic digesters have been used successfully in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants and on a number of livestock farms for many years. However, the use of anaerobic digestion technology on livestock farms in Canada for manure treatment and energy production has increased over the past few years.

oekobit_header1_02Properties of Methane

Pure methane is an odorless gas made up of one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen. It occurs naturally as a component of “natural gas” and is lighter than air and highly flammable. Methane can form mixtures with air that are explosive at concentrations of 5 percent to 15 percent. Methane is not toxic, but it can cause death due to asphyxiation by displacing oxygen in confined environments or spaces. The heating value of pure methane gas is 1,000 BTU per cubic foot. Additionally, methane is considered to be a powerful greenhouse gas that can remain in the atmosphere for up to 15 years, and is about 20 times more effective in trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

Benefits and

Challenges of Biogas Technology

Anaerobic digestion can convert organic wastes into profitable byproducts as well as reduce their environmental pollution potential. Anaerobic digestion offers the following benefits to an Aerzen-Biogas-solutions_zoom_imageanimal feeding operation and the surrounding communities:

  • Electric and thermal energy.
  • Stable liquid fertilizer and high-quality solids for soil amendment.
  • Odor reduction.
  • Reduced groundwater and surface water contamination potential.
  • Potential revenue from sales of digested manure (liquid and solids) and excess electricity and/or processing off-site organic waste.
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; methane is captured and used as a fuel.
  • Revenue from possible reuse of digested solids as livestock bedding.
  • Potential revenue from green energy and carbon credits.
  • The cost of installing an anaerobic digester depends on the type and size of system, type of livestock operation, and site-specific conditions. In general, consider the following points when estimating installation/operating costs:
  • Estimate the cost of constructing the system.
  • Estimate the labor and cost of operating the system.
  • Estimate the quantity of gas produced.
  • Components of a typical biogas digester.
  • Effluent Storage
  • Digester
  • Gas Handling System
  • Electric Generation System
  • Flare or
  • Heat Source
  • Manure Source and Collection System
  • Estimate the value of the gas produced.
  • Compare operation costs to benefits from operation (include value as a waste-treatment system and the fertilizer value of the sludge and supernatant).


Breathable living- Straw Ball House

sand bagsStraw bales were a fairly common building material in the world between 18

There remains much we do not understand about appropriate ways to build with straw bales in different individual building assemblies, climate zones, and weather conditions. Two of the current straw bale construction methods include non-load-bearing or post-and-beam, which uses a structural framework with straw bale in-fill, and load-bearing, which uses the bearing capacity of the stacked bales to support roof loads.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA electrical box in straw bale wall WorkingTogetherCXbc

1800 and 1940. Boom in straw-bale home construction began to re-interest people in the mid-1960s. The biggest interest in this building technique started when the cost of conventional construction materials raised, and people started to have concern about our environment. Straw ball houses have become popular among enthusiastic people interested in living in Eco homes.

Super Insulated. Solar heating and cooling, passive solar design and solar tempering is less an issue when the house is superinsulated. Properly done, superinsulation (with accompanying sealing), greatly reduces the total amount of heat required from solar and supplemental sources. A poorly insulated house could use huge banks of south facing windows and accompanying thermal mass to provide part of the enormous heat requirements. With the well build straw bale (superinsulated house), solar measures can be modest and get the job done. If the plan looks too solar…maybe it is.

Straw Bale Module. Most plans are based on either a 3 foot (two string) or 4 foot (three string) bale module, with design decisions (outside wall dimensions, window size and placement for example) images1strongly influenced by this module. Most plans can be designed and built using either three or four tie bales (with window size and placement modified accordingly). A 12 foot wall section for example, can be constructed with 4 three foot bales, or three 4 foot bales. In the real world of straw bale home building, the bale module often gets ignored for other considerations.

Load Bearing Option. Generally, the smaller and simpler the plan, the more likely one has the option of using load bearing construction (which may be less expensive). As size and complexity increase, it becomes more likely that post and beam construction will be required. Often, a hybrid system is possible, with post and beam or stick construction on the south wall (with more windows), load bearing on the north wall (assuming few and small windows), and maybe a center suport post and beam system.

Symmetry. Many factors influence house design including for example, education, class, custom, intuition, art, science, tradition, culture, code, (you name it). Within these constraints, designers have the opportunity to bring something personal to their work. Symmetry is a theme that runs throughout mine. My underlying assumption is, if a plan looks good (to me), feels good, works well, in plan, energy will generate and flow well, and the house will be enjoyable to live in. For me, in most cases, this means symmetry. The shape, the footprint is the starting place for me, with use areas expected to fit into this matrix. In most cases, use areas gracefully adjust, in respect to the overall form. Obviously, there are other ways to design a house…

50 plans for straw ball houses 

All-Heal, and you are FIT FIT

all-heal-Prunella-vulgaris Prunella vulgaris (Family: Lamiaceae) 

It is called All-heal, Hercules’s All-heal, and Hercules’s Wound-wort, because it is supposed that Hercules learned the herb and its virtues from Chiron, when he learned physic of him. Some call it Panay, and others Opopane-wort. all-heal-Prunella-vulgaris2


Its root is long, thick, and exceeding full of juice, of a hot and biting; taste, the leaves are great and large, and vinged almost like ash-tree leaves, but that they are something hairy, each leaf consisting of five or six pair of such wings set one against the other upon foot-stalks, broad below, but narrow towards the end ; one of the leaves is a little deeper at the bottom than the other, of a fair yellowish fresh green colour: they are of a bitterish taste, being chewed in the mouth; from among these rises up a stalk, green in colour, round in form, great and strong in magnitude, five or six feet in altitude, with many joints, and some leaves thereat ; towards the top come forth umbels of small yellow flowers, tiller which are passed away, you may find whitish, yellow, short, flat seeds, bitter also in taste.


Haring given you a description of the herb from bottom to top, give me leave to tell you, that there are other herbs called by this name; but because they are strangers in England, I give only the description or this, which is easily to be had in the gardens of divers places.



Although Gerrard saith, that they flower from the beginning of May to the end of  December, experience teaches them that keep it in their gardens, that it flowers not till the latter en of the Summer, and sheds its seed presently after.

Government and virtues.

latter en of the Summer, and sheds its seed presently after. It is under the dominion of Mars, hot, biting, and choleric; and remedies what evils Mars inflicts the body of man with, by sympathy, as vipers’ flesh attracts poison, and the load stone iron. It kills the and helps all joint-aches. lt helps all cold griefs of the head, the vertigo, falling-sickness, the lethargy, the wind cholic, obstructions of the liver and spleen, stone in the kidneys and bladder. It provokes the terms, expels the dead birth: it is excellent good for the griefs of the sinews, itch, stone, and tooth-ache, the biting of mad dogs and venomous beasts, and purges choler very gently.worms, helps the gout, cramp, and convulsions, provokes urine,  and helps all joint-aches. It helps all cold griefs of the head, the vertigo, falling-sickness, the lethargy, the wind cholic, obstructions of the liver and spleen, stone in the kidneys and bladder. It provokes the terms, expels the dead birth: it is excellent good for the griefs of the sinews, itch, stone, and tooth-ache, the biting of mad dogs and venomous beasts, and purges choler very gently.

CulpeperNicholas Culpeper

Cold, and flu? Agrimony is for it prove.


Agrimonia eupatoria  (Family: Rosaceae)


This has divers long leaves? (some greater, some smaller) set upon a stalk, all of them dented about the edges, above, and grayish underneath, and a little hairy withal. Among which arises up usually but one strong, round, hairy, brown stalk, two or three feet high, with smaller leaves set here and there upon it. At the top Agrimony 01 Agrimony seedsthereof grow many small yellow flowers, one above another, in after which come rough heads of seed, hanging downwards, which will cleave to and stick upon garments, or any thing that shall rub against them. The knot is black, long, and somewhat woody, abiding many .years, and shooting afresh every Spring ; which , though small, hath a reasonable good scent.


It grows upon banks, near the sides of hedges.


It flowers in July and August, the seed being ripe shortly alter.

AgrimonyGovernment and virtues.

It is an herb under Jupiter, and the sign Cancer; and strengthens those parts under the planet and sign, and removes diseases in them by sympathy, and those under Saturn, Mercury by antipathy, if they happen in any part of the body governed by Jupiter, or under the signs Cancer, Sagilarius or Pisces, and therefore must needs be good for the gout, either used outwardly in oil or ointment, or inwardly in an electuary, or syrup, or concerted juice: for which see the latter and of this book.

It is of a cleansing and cutting faculty without any manifest heat, moderately drying and binding. It opens and cleanses the liver, helps the jaundice, and is very beneficial to the bowels, healing all inward wounds, bruises, hurts, and other distempers. The decoction of the herb made with wine, and drank, is good against the biting and stinging of serpents, and helps them that make foul, troubled or bloody water.

This herb also helps the cholic, cleanses the breast, and rids away the cough. A draught of the decoction taken warm before the fit, first removes, and in time rids away the tertain or quartan agues. The leaves and seeds taken in wine, strays the bloody flux; outwardly applied, being stamped with old swines’ grease, it helps old sores, cancers, and inveterate ulcers, and draws forth thorns and splinters of wood, nails, or any other such things gotten in the flesh. It helps to strengthen the members that be out at joint: and being bruised and applied, or the juice dropped in it, helps foul and imposthumed ears.

The distiller] water of the herb is good to all the said purposes, either inward or outward, but a great deal weaker.

It is a most admirable remedy for such whose livers are annoyed either by heat or cold. The liver is tlie former of blood, and blood the nourisher of the body, and Agrimony a strengthener of the liver.

I cannot stand to give you a reason in every herb why it cures such diseases; but if you please to pursue my judgment in the herb Wormwood, you shall find them there, and it will be well worth your while to consider it in every herb, you shall find them true throughout the hook.

CulpeperNicholas Culpeper
